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acceptText(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params
acceptText(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment.Params
Override the text that is to be displayed on the "accept" button.
accountName() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.Advertisement
Name of the account the ad is linked to.
ACTION_TYPE_BUY_KEYWORD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_BUY_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_BUY_PHRASE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_CALL_KEYWORD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_CALL_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_CALL_PHRASE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_CUSTOM_PHRASE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_CUSTOM_PHRASE_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_KEYWORD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PHRASE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_EMAIL_KEYWORD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_EMAIL_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_EMAIL_PHRASE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_EXPANSION_KEYWORD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_EXPANSION_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_EXPANSION_PHRASE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_FAIL_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_GOTO_KEYWORD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_GOTO_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_GOTO_PHRASE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_INTERCEPT_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ACTION_TYPE_PROMPT_NAME - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
ActionType - Class in xappmedia.sdk.model
Used by AdAction, the ActionType contains the type of action as well as the phrase the action requires to match during voice recognition.
ActionType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
Construct an action type with a name (action phrase) and a keyword
ActionType(ActionType) - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
AD_TO_PLAY - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.XappService
AdAction - Class in xappmedia.sdk.model
The AdAction object contains the necessary information for action recognition and action completion.
AdAction(ActionType) - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Initialize action with an ActionType
addKeyword(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Adds a keyword related to the ad that is being requested.
addKeyword(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
addKeywords(Collection<String>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
address(String, String, String, String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
adId() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.Advertisement
Unique ad ID.
AdLength - Enum in xappmedia.sdk.model
Enumeration of possible ad durations.
adName(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
AdRequester - Class in xappmedia.sdk
The AdRequest holds properties for the type of ad that should be returned.
AdResult - Class in xappmedia.sdk.model
An AdResult contains all the events that occurred during the execution of an ad.
adTitle() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.Advertisement
User readable name of the ad.
AdType - Enum in xappmedia.sdk.model
Branding - XappAd with one segment of ad audio and no actions/engagement Engagement - XappAd with two segments of ad audio with a chance for engagement after the first segment, where the user is prompted to respond to the ad.
adType() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.Advertisement
Type of advertisement that this models.
Advertisement - Interface in xappmedia.sdk.model
Interface that represents a downloaded Xapp.
apiKey(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.Config
Set a custom API key for retrieving Xapps.
appKey(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.Config
Set a custom APP key for retrieving Xapps.
attach() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
Retrieves a XappAdController from a currently running Ad.
attach(FragmentManager, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
Retrieves a XappAdController from a currently running ad and attaches it to the given View.


backgroundColor(int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params
birthday() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
The user's birthday.
birthday(Calendar) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
build() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
build() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
buildIntent(Context) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity.IntentBuilder
Returns a launchable intent with the appropriate parameters.
busyCueWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the sound file that is to play when processing operations.
BUY - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType


CALL - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
campaignName() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.Advertisement
Name of the campaign
checkPermission(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
Check if the current app has the permission specified.
city() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's home city.
closing(RequestPermissionsCreativeFragment, boolean) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
Config - Class in xappmedia.sdk
Configuration Object for Xapp.
Config() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.Config
country(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
country() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
The country the user resides.
creativeOnly(boolean) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity.IntentBuilder
CREATOR - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
CREATOR - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
CREATOR - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
CREATOR - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
currentAd() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappAdController
Returns the current ad backing this controller.
CUSTOM - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType


declineRequestPermissions() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
The activity will return with the appropriate data in the result intent.
declineText(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params
declineText(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment.Params
Override the text that is to be displayed on the "decline" button.
describeContents() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
describeContents() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
describeContents() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
describeContents() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
description() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType


education(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
education() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's education level.
EMAIL - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
email(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
email() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
Email set to the user.
equals(Object) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
equals(Object) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
equals(Object) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
ethnicity(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
ethnicity() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's ethnicity.
EXPANSION - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType


FAIL - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
from(Context) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.Xapp
Main entry point for Xapp.
from(Context, Config) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.Xapp
Main entry point for Xapp.
fromReply(AdRequestReply) - Static method in enum xappmedia.sdk.model.AdType


gender(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
gender() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's gender.
genre(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
getAction() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns the AdAction that was matched and performed during ad playback
getActionPhrase() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Get the action phrase for the recognized action.
getActionType() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Returns the ActionType of the action
getActionType() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns the action type set for this ad or null if there is not one.
getActionUtterances() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns the array of action utterances for the AdResult
getCallType() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns the callType of the adResult, either "userInitiated or "serverInitiated"
getCancellationDetails() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Get details on how the ad was cancelled.
getCancellationMethod() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns a string for how the ad was cancelled
getCustomActionMetadata() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Get the metadata associated with the custom action that was recognized.
getCustomData() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
getDeniedPermissions(Collection<String>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
Check all the permission in a collection and return a subset of the permissions that the user currently has not granted.
getDeniedPermissions(String[]) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
Check all the permission in a collection and return a subset of the permissions that the user currently has not granted.
getDeniedPermissions() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
Get the permissions that are currently denied by the system.
getEmail() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
getErrorCode() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Get the error code of the error that occurred during advertisement playback
getErrorMessage() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns the error message for the AdResult.
getHomePhone() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
getHomophones() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
getInstallString() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Get the install url for the action
getKeyword() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
Returns the keyword associated with the actionType
getMobilePhone() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
getMoreInfoUtterances() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns the array of moreInfoUtterances for the AdResult
getName() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
Returns the action name or phrase associated with the actionType
getName() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
Returns the name of the given permission.
getNumberString() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Get the phone number for the action as a string
getPhrase() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
getSkypeURL() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
getTimeActionWasCaught() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Get the time that the time in which an action was caught.
getTouchLocationX() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Last x position set for the touch location.
getTouchLocationY() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Last y position set for the touch location.
getTrailingAudioUrl() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
getWebURLString() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Get the URL for the action
GOTO - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType


hasError() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns true if there is an error message and/or error code.
hashCode() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
hashCode() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
hashCode() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
hasMoreInfoAction() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
True if there are more info sequence related to the ad.
hasTrailingAudio() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
homePhone(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
homePhone() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
The user's home phone number.


imageResourceDrawable(int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission.Builder
For permissions dialogs with images, this is the image that represents the permission.
imageResourceDrawable() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
For permissions dialogs with images, this is the image that represents the permission.
imageUri(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission.Builder
For permissions dialogs with images, this is the image that represents the permission.
imageUri() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
For permissions dialogs with images, this is the image that represents the permission.
imageWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the image that is to be displayed for the ad.
instance(Activity) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
This wraps the check permissions of any Activity so it will be compatible with old versions of Android.
instance(Permission) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
Returns an initialized dialog fragment that can be used to request the permission.
instance(Permission, RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
Returns an initialized dialog fragment that can be used to request the permission.
instance(Collection<Permission>) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
Returns an initialized dialog fragment that can be used to request the permission.
instance(Collection<Permission>, RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
Returns an initialized dialog fragment that can be used to request the permission.
instance(Permission) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment
instance(Permission, RequestPermissionsTextFragment.Params) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment
instance(Collection<Permission>) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment
instance(Collection<Permission>, RequestPermissionsTextFragment.Params) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment
IntentBuilder(Collection<Permission>) - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity.IntentBuilder
INTERCEPT - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
introductoryCueWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the sound file that is to be played at the start of the ad.
isActionType(ActionType) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Compare action's ActionType to another and returns true if they are equal, false if they are not
isCanceled() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns if the ad was cancelled during the playback
isLoaded() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappAdController
Returns true if the Xapp is loaded and ready to play.
isMoreInfoUttered() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns true if moreInfo has already been uttered and recognized, false otherwise
isPlaying() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappController
Returns true if the controller is currently playing.
isSuccess() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns true if the ad ran successfully, false otherwise.
isTouchClicked() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns if a touch clicked occurred on the ad view.


keys(String, String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity.IntentBuilder
The Xapp application keys that can be used to download styled permissions creatives.
keywords() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
Keywords outlining user's interests or affiliations.


length(AdLength) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Sets the AdLength for the advertisement to be requested.
length - Variable in enum xappmedia.sdk.model.AdLength
ListenAdController - Interface in xappmedia.sdk
A controller intended only to perform the listen action.
ListenAdController.ListenCallback - Interface in xappmedia.sdk
listenForAd(Advertisement) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
Retrieve a controller which merely only listens for the actions in the provided ad.
listeningBegin(MediaAdvertisement) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.ListenAdController.ListenCallback
Callback event for when the app has started listening to the ad.
listeningEnd(MediaAdvertisement, AdAction) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.ListenAdController.ListenCallback
Callback event for when the app has stopped listening to the ad.
listeningEndCueWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the sound file to be played as the microphone turns off.
listeningStartCueWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the sound file that is to be played just before the microphone turns on.
loadAd(LoadCallback<Advertisement>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Preload an ad that will only be audio only.
loadAd(FragmentManager, int, LoadCallback<Advertisement>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Preload an ad that will play inside a fragment in the provided container ID.
loadAd(Context, LoadCallback<Advertisement>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Preload an ad that will play as an interstitial ad in a new Activity.
loadAd(Advertisement, FragmentManager, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
Play an ad inside a Fragment which resides in the provided container.
loadAd(Advertisement) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
Preload an ad that will only be audio only.
loadAd(Advertisement, Context) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
Play an interstitial ad as soon as it loaded.
LoadCallback<T extends Advertisement> - Interface in xappmedia.sdk
Callback to receive events for an ad downloading from the server.


maritalStatus(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
maritalStatus() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's marital status.
matchLength(int) - Static method in enum xappmedia.sdk.model.AdLength
Returns the AdLength matching the length parameter
matchStringToActionType(String) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
Tries to identify an actionType with a string by trying to match it with the action name/phrase or the keyword
MediaAdvertisement - Interface in xappmedia.sdk.model
An Advertisement that exposes the web links to the media associated with it.
mobilePhone(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
mobilePhone() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
The user's mobile phone number.
moreInfoWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
The "more info" or "tell me more" trailing audio url linked to the ad.


name(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
name() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
Full name of the user.
newFromThis(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
Creates a copy of this permission with a new permission string.
newIntent(Collection<Permission>) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
newPermission(String) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
newRequest() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
Begin a new Ad request.
numberOfChildren(int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
numberOfChildren() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
The number of children the user has specified.


onAccept() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestDialogListener
The user has accepted the requested permissions.
onAccept() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
onAttach(Activity) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
onBackPressed() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappInterstitialActivity
onBind(Intent) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappService
onCancel() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestDialogListener
Notification that the dialog has been canceled.
onCancel() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappInterstitialActivity
onCreate() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappService
onCreateDialog(Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
onDecline() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestDialogListener
The user has declined to give the permissions.
onDecline() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappService
onDismiss() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestDialogListener
Notification that the dialog has been dismissed.
onDismiss() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.LoadCallback
Called on a download failure.
onFinish(Advertisement, AdResult) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.PlayListener
The ad has completed a full play through and is releasing.
onLoad(T) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.LoadCallback
Called on a successful download.
onPause(Advertisement) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.PlayListener
An ad was paused.
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
onResume() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
onShowRationale(Collection<Permission>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
Inheriting activities can call this to show their rationale for the given permissions.
onShowRationale(Collection<Permission>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
onStart(Advertisement) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.PlayListener
An ad has started playing either from a stop or pause.
onStart() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappInterstitialActivity
onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.XappService
onStop(Advertisement) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.PlayListener
An ad has stopped either because it has finished or because it was stopped explicitly.
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment


PARAM_API_KEY_STRING - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
Registered Xapp API key.
PARAM_APP_KEY_STRING - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
Registered Xapp APP key registered to the app.
PARAM_CREATIVE_ONLY_BOOL - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
Boolean indicating if only the cached strategy should be used.
PARAM_CURRENT_AD - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.XappInterstitialActivity
PARAM_PERMISSION_ARR_LIST - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
Parameter to pass in to this Activity to check if it exists or not.
PARAM_TYPE_INT - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
Type of dialog that should be used.
Params() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params
Params() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment.Params
pause() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappController
Pauses the controller.
Permission - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
Pojo to represent a Permission with the rationale.
permission() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
Permission.Builder - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
PermissionsManager - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions
Utility method that can be used to handle all permissions tasks including Android M permissions.
PermissionsManager() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
PlayListener - Interface in xappmedia.sdk
A PlayListener is a callback used by XappController to listen to controller specific events.
politics(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData.Builder
politics() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's political affiliation.
primaryColor(int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params
PROMPT - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
promptWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Audio url to the prompt audio that plays at the beginning of each ad.


rationale(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission.Builder
A rationale to display to the user as to why they need this permission.
rationale() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
A rationale to display to the user as to why they need this permission.
recognitionFailureCueWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the sound file to be played if the recognizer failed to recognize the voice command.
recognitionSuccessCueWebUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the sound file to be played if the recognizer succeeded in recognizing the voice command.
release() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappController
Stop and release the resources.
RequestDialogListener - Interface in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
requestMedia(LoadCallback<MediaAdvertisement>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Asynchronously requesting only the ad itself.
requestPermission(String, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
Request a permission for a specific service.
requestPermission(Activity, Collection<Permission>, int) - Static method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
requestPermissions(Collection<String>, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
Request a permission for a specific service.
requestPermissions(String[], int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
Request a permission for a specific service.
requestPermissions() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
Request the permissions to the system.
RequestPermissionsBaseActivity - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
A base Activity that can be used to request permissions from the user if necessary.
RequestPermissionsBaseActivity() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
RequestPermissionsImageFragment - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
DialogFragment that will produce the overlay for the permissions module.
RequestPermissionsImageFragment() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
An Activity that can be used to ask the user for provided permissions.
RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity.IntentBuilder - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
Builder that can be used to generate an Intent which will start this Activity.
RequestPermissionsTextFragment - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
Fragment that can be used if showing a text-only dialog.
RequestPermissionsTextFragment() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsTextFragment
RequestPermissionsTextFragment.Params - Class in xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
Configuration object for the text fragment.
RESULT_ADRESULT - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.XappInterstitialActivity
The AdResult that is returned upon completion.
RESULT_PERMISSION_DENIED_LIST - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
If started with Activity.onActivityResult(int, int, Intent), result parameter included in the result intent that will include the granted permissions.
RESULT_PERMISSION_GRANTED_LIST - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsBaseActivity
If started with Activity.onActivityResult(int, int, Intent), result parameter included in the result intent that will include the granted permissions.


secondaryColor(int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment.Params
setAsDfpUnit(String, String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
setCancelable(boolean) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsImageFragment
setCustomData(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
setHomophones(List<String>) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
setInstallString(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Set the install url for the action
setKeyword(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
Sets the keyword for the current actionType
setName(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
Sets the action name or phrase for the current actionType
setNumberString(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Set the phone number for the action as a string.
setPhrase(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
setPlayListener(PlayListener) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappAdController
Sets a listener that will receive play specific events.
setSkypeURL(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
setTrailingAudioUrl(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
setVolume(int) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappAudioController
Sets the volume that the audio should play at.
setWebURLString(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
Set the URL for the action
shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.PermissionsManager
This will always return false if the build version is less than M.
showingStrategy(String, Strategy, Creative) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
showLatestAd(boolean) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
start() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappController
Start the controller.
startActivity(Activity, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity.IntentBuilder
Starts the permissions Activity based on the parameters provided.
startListeningForAd(ListenAdController.ListenCallback) - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.ListenAdController
Start listening for an action.
state() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's home state.
stationFormat(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
stop() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.XappController
Completely stops the entire process.
streetAddress() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's home street address.


targetUrl() - Method in interface xappmedia.sdk.model.MediaAdvertisement
Url to the website that the ad goes to.
title(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission.Builder
The title or name of the permission to display.
title() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission
The title or name of the permission to display.
toString() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
type(int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity.IntentBuilder
The type of dialog that will be presented to the user.
TYPE_IMAGE - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
Type of dialog to display should be the paging image dialog.
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.RequestPermissionsSoftAskActivity
Type of dialog to display should be a text dialog.


unsetAsDfpAdUnit() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Remove items originally noted in AdRequester.setAsDfpUnit(String, String).
updateWithPhraseData(PhraseData) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
user(UserData) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.AdRequester
Set the user for the request.
UserData - Class in xappmedia.sdk.model
An object that can be used to describe the user for more targeted Xapps.
UserData.Builder - Class in xappmedia.sdk.model


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum xappmedia.sdk.model.AdLength
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum xappmedia.sdk.model.AdType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum xappmedia.sdk.model.AdLength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum xappmedia.sdk.model.AdType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


wasActionInBackground() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns whether or not the action was performed in the background.
wasCustomActionRecognized() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Check if a custom action was recognized during ad playback.
wasImageDismissed() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
wasInBackgroundAtEnd() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns whether or not the ad ended in the background.
wasInBackgroundAtStart() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
Returns whether or not the ad started in the background.
wasVoiceActionTaken() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
True if the voice action was taken OR if the user uttered the "more info" action.
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.ActionType
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdAction
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.AdResult
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui.Permission


Xapp - Class in xappmedia.sdk
Main interface to the Xapp API.
Xapp() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.Xapp
XappAdController - Interface in xappmedia.sdk
A XappController is an interface for a playable Xapp ad.
xappAds() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.Xapp
XappAds - Class in xappmedia.sdk
This class acts as the entry point for the XappAds interface
XappAds() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.XappAds
XappAudioController - Interface in xappmedia.sdk
A XappController which controls an Audio enabled Xapp.
XappController - Interface in xappmedia.sdk
A XappController is an interface for a playable Xapp.
XappInterstitialActivity - Class in xappmedia.sdk
An Interstitial activity that can be used to display an ad.
XappInterstitialActivity() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.XappInterstitialActivity
xappLocationUrl(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.Config
Set the default server url to retrieve xapps.
xappmedia.sdk - package xappmedia.sdk
xappmedia.sdk.model - package xappmedia.sdk.model
xappmedia.sdk.permissions - package xappmedia.sdk.permissions
xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui - package xappmedia.sdk.permissions.ui
XappService - Class in xappmedia.sdk
This is the playing server of the Xapp.
XappService() - Constructor for class xappmedia.sdk.XappService
xvrLocationUrl(String) - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.Config
Set the default xvr server url to listen for utterances.


zipCode() - Method in class xappmedia.sdk.model.UserData
User's zip code.
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