Update: As of 11-10-2015 and version +3.11, the SDK can leverage all the new iOS 9 features.
iOS 9
A couple of changes introduced in iOS 9 will impact our SDK. Apps compiled for iOS 8 do not have a problem with running on iOS 9 devices however issues arise when attempting to compile with the iOS 9 SDK.
App Transport Security
Update: As of 11-10-2015, our CDN no longer requires modifications to your plist for App Transport Security exceptions.
When you compile the XAPP SDK with iOS 9 and attempt to request interactive audio, you will see errors printed to your syslog:
NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9802)
and requests for interactive audio will fail with an error.
As of iOS 9, Apple is requiring all web services calls be secure. We already leverage HTTPS/TLS 1.2 & SHA 256 however our primary CDN is not yet in full compliance with the ATS specifications. We are actively working on compliance.
Until then, you will need to modify your app’s info.plist with the following:
App Thinning & Bitcode
Update: As of version 3.10.0, we support ENABLE_BITCODE=YES. We will continue to compile "thick" versions without bitcode for the immediate future.
Apple is optimizing how apps are compiled and distributed through app thinning features that will reduce the overall size and foot print of apps.
With the official release of iOS 9 and Xcode 7, we will put out a build that supports bitcode however until then you will need to set the compiler flag ENABLE_BITCODE=NO
Additional Reading
- What’s new in iOS 9
- App Transport Security Technote
[App Thinning Bitcode](https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/watchos/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/AppThinning/AppThinning.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH35-SW2)