Ok, you are now at the point where you have a XAPP serving and playing in your app, it is now time to test your integration. The following is what we test for to ensure an integration is working properly.
XAPP Playback Tests
Touching the XAPP Image
iOS Android
Touching the image associated with the XAPP that is displayed during audio playback opens a URL in an external browser.
Image Dismisses and Audio Continues
iOS Android
For full screen interstitial XAPPs, when the image is dismissed using the close (“X”) button, the audio should continue to play. With the image dismissed, the app will become accessible again, the user:
- Should NOT be able to skip the XAPP audio either by selecting other content or by pressing the in-app skip/next button
- Should NOT be able to select other audio (or content with audio) to play at the same time as the XAPP audio
- Should be able to pause or resume the XAPP audio with in-app playback controls but NOT skip the audio
For in-tuner tile XAPPs, the image should never be dismissed or the audio cancelable.
Audio Session Tests
Phone Call Placed
iOS Android
A phone call is place during XAPP playback, the XAPP audio pauses for the phone call and resumes after the phone call ends.
Phone Call Received
iOS Android
A phone call is received during XAPP playback, the XAPP audio pauses for the phone call and resumes after the phone call ends.
Pause & Resume from External Playback Controls
iOS Android
During XAPP playback, the pause & resume button on external playback controls such as lock screen widgets, notification widgets, connected bluetooth devices, or wired headphones should also pause & resume the XAPP audio.
Skip from External Playback Controls
iOS Android
During XAPP playback, the skip/next button on external playback controls such as lock screen widgets, notification widgets, connected bluetooth devices, or wired headphones should NOT skip the XAPP.