What are custom actions?

Custom actions enable host app functionality to be executed via voice. A custom action is defined by an action phrase and corresponding metadata. If the predefined action phrase is recognized, the metadata is passed back at the end of the XAPP playback. It can then be parsed and handled accordingly.

Example Usage

Most functions of a host app can be executed through custom actions. Some examples include but are not limited to the following:

Play Content

To check out the new top forty countdown after the beep… say, “Listen Now”

#### Save Track

To save this song, after the beep… say, “Save Music”

#### Add to Favorites

To favorite this playlist, after the beep… say, “Add to Favorites”

#### Start Free Trial

To start a seven day free trial, after the beep… say, “Start Trial”

#### Like Track

To like this song, after the beep… say, “Thumbs It Up”

#### Enter Contest

To enter to win a free trip to Vegas after the beep… say, “Enter Contest”

#### Social Share

To share this playlist on Twitter, after the beep… say, “Share On Twitter”

#### Feature Education

To try out our new podcast feature, after the beep… say, “Take Me to Podcasts”

Metadata Schemes

Metadata is set and passed back as plain text however we recommend following a predefined format, such as JSON, to make it more easy to parse. You want to define an action type, then provide the necessary data for that action.

    "action": "myaction",
    "data": {
        "trackId": "someId"

If your app already has a registered custom scheme, you can take advantage of existing workflows to complete the action.

    "url": "my-app-scheme://action/metadata"

# Implementation

Everything needed to determine if a custom action was recognized and it’s corresponding metadata can be retrieved from the result object that is passed at the end of XAPP playback.


- (void)adFinishedPlayBack:(XAAdView *)adView withResult:(XAAdResult *)result andError:(NSError *)error {

    if ([result isCustomActionRecognized]) {
        NSLog(@"%@", result.recognizedAction.data);


It can be retrieved in the AdResult retrieved from PlayListener#onFinish() callback method.

    public void onFinished(Advertisement ad, AdResult adResult) {

        if (adResult.wasCustomActionRecognized()) {
            Log.d(TAG, adResult.getCustomActionMetadata());